Asa Shigure (時雨 亜沙 Shigure Asa? ) is a main character in the Shuffle! series. She is a senior at Verbena Academy and in the cooking club with Kaede Fuyou. She and Rin Tsuchimi share a love-hate relationship (though they're more like bad company to each other) and she is the best friend of Kareha.
Asa makes a return in Princess x Princess as a side character.
While she has a weak constitution, Asa makes up for it with her energetic personality. Despite being a touch of a tomboy, she is an excellent cook.
She often uses English loan words and is notable for her "Hello!" greeting, her catchphrase. She is responsible and diligent but also cheerful and quick to join in group activities. However, she also has a lesser-known tendency to depend on others. She enjoys hard work and eating cake.
She has a dislike for magic because her demon power always caused her to be sick during childhood.
Asa is the daughter of Ama Shigure, a devil and an unknown man. She is half-human/half-demon but keeps this a secret. Due to this, she was often sick as a child because her body could not handle the magic powers she inherited from her mother.
From time to time, she'd flirt with Rin Tsuchimi, tease him, and give him a nice big slap on the back, her way of greeting him every morning at school. However, it was later revealed that numerous guys had a secret crush on her. Nevertheless, nothing much came out of it as she rejected them, and the show didn't dwell any deeper into the issue. The game hinted that she might have feelings for Rin, as Asa admits to him, saying, "But if it's Rin-kun, it might be good to fall in love..."
Later on, in the anime series and Asa's route in the visual novel, Rin finally expresses his feelings for her and later becomes her boyfriend. Asa had suffered from sickness due to the magic from her mother overwhelming her human body, and the only cure for that sickness was to use her magic. She remained so stubborn about not using her magic that she nearly died from her illness and, Rin couldn't think of any way to convince her until she escaped from the hospital and went to the overlook where Rin first confessed his love for Asa. While they were at the overlook, Rin took a boxcutter and cut his wrist because he was unwilling to live without her. Fortunately for them both, this was enough to convince Asa to use her magic, which ended up saving Rin and her own life.
Events of Princess x Princess
Asa is one of the most famous figures in history by this time. She has lived in the world more than 100 years as a time traveler. She also seems to be working as an assistant to Primula.
Character Relationships
- Rin Tsuchimi: Her junior and friend. In the anime, she is the heroine whom Rin chooses.
- Ama Shigure: Her mother, who tends to embarrass her. She looked over Asa when she would get sick and cut Asa's hair when it got long. They have a close relationship.

Kaede attacking Asa.
- Kaede Fuyou: Her junior and friend. The two became friends after Kaede joined the cooking club in middle school. During Kaede's yandere rage, she attacked Asa in a fit of anger because she spent too much time Rin. She slammed up hard against the wall, and it sent Asa into shock, having a heart attack. Kaede later felt awful about what she did and since apologized to Asa. Asa realized what effect it had on her and how she snapped, eventually accepted her apology. The two remained friends.
- Kareha: Her best friend and classmate. The two are often seen together, and Kareha fangirls at the aspect of Asa and Rin being together.
- Primula: Her friend.
- The name Asa means "second, Asia" (亜) (a) and "sand" (沙) (sa).
- Asa's surname Shigure means "drizzle, shower in late autumn, sprinkle, spray, mizzle" (時雨).
- Even though Asa is half-human/half-demon, she does not have the long ears typical of demons, as seen in Episode 14.
- Ama Shigure (Asa's mother) explains this to Rin Tsuchimi and tells him that although Asa is half-demon, her body is 'from her father' and in almost all respects humans.
- It appears that every time Asa's hair grows whenever she uses her power, much to her discontent as she always has Ama cut it.
Official Art
Really? Really!
Shuffle! Essence+
Princess x Princess
Characters | |
Introduced in Shuffle! | Rin Tsuchimi · Kaede Fuyou · Asa Shigure · Lisianthus · Nerine · Primula · Mayumi Thyme · Itsuki Midoriba · Nadeshiko Benibara · King of Devils · King of Gods · Ama Shigure · Kareha · Kikyou · Lycoris · Lilac · Iris |
Introduced in Shuffle! Essence+ | Daisy · Erica Suzuran · Ruri Matsuri · Sakura Yae · Tsubomi |
Introduced in Tick! Tack! | Ai · Bark · Cineraria · Sage |
Introduced in Really? Really! | Mikio Fuyou · Momiji Fuyou · Hatsune Tsuchimi |
Introduced in Shuffle! Episode 2 | Raito Aioi · Kohaku Anjou · Kirara Kinoshita · Lithia · Nelia · Limes · Kunzite · Chalcedony · Torajirou Jinbo · Citrine · Obsius Marine · Menou Ishitake · Fluora · Alexander |
Introduced in Princess x Princess | Ai Amaishi · Rapisu Amaishi · Selena |
Introduced in Anime | Masanori Takizawa · Masato · Masato's mom · Military Ohshita · Nakabayashi 1 · Nakabayashi 2 · Nakabayashi 3 · Two-Wheeler Yamaguchi |